Takshila House
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"Before you are not a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader. success is all about growing others. Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better."
Ignited with zeal to give the best in every venture. Takshila House set foot on the session 2021-2022. All the students of the House pulled up their socks for—the—challenges that lay ahead with a firm resolution in their head–as to being laurels to the House. “Words can move the world.” In the literary events we gave stiff competition to other houses. The performance of our House during RakshaBandhan Celebration was commendable too. The toil of all our contestants was evident and overall 2nd position made us all swell with pride.
We are on the top of the world when each and every member sweated out on the tracks to outshine their competitors by standing 1st in the March Past.
With your minds so versatile, and your lips curving into a smile, share your talents with all you now. The flower of your endeavor will blossom wherever you sow.” These lines surely prove to be our guiding light and inspire us to face the challenges which the new academic session brings.
At the end. I would like to thank our Principal Ma’am, all the House teachers, students.