Home - The School - Curriculum - Pre-Primary
Education is not just a necessity – it has become a reason to exist. Responding to the demand of the people of the area, it was decided to add a Nursery Wing to the school campus in the year 2004 to provide the tiny tots a learning environment that takes care of their physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development with love and care of a mother. We make each child’s first step in schooling a journey where fun and learning, traditions and trends go hand in hand. And our affectionate and caring teachers hold the child’s finger to make him/her strong enough to ride the lofty peaks of the world.

Teaching Pattern
Our Nursery teachers are specially trained to handle the tiny tots with tender care in the cozy environment of the classroom overlooking lush greenery. They work steadily to unravel the latent abilities of the children to make them take an independent and confident step forward.
Rather than rote-learning teaching is through self-learning process by way of quiz, indoor and outdoor games, story-sessions, audio visual stimulation, art and craft to work towards an integration of intellectual growth and motor skills.
The school not only provides the best of modern education aids but also inculcates the cultural values and a feeling of national harmony by celebrating all the festivals that link these young kids to our valued morals and tradition.